
Saturday, 10 April 2010

Curriculum Vitae

Hans Willem Smit, GMGD, MAA, CPF, ETT

Born to Hans Willem Smit and Gememina C. Smit, née Raffernak,  in Mannswerk, 5 Septimus YE 975. Married to Laea Smit, née de Groot. Five children, Gememina, Hans Willem, Leander, Jakob, and Adelheide.

Magister Philosophicum, Universitas Ghoerwaldensis, YE 991
Magister Theologicum, Universitas Marburgensis, YE 994
Magister Artes Geometricum, Universitas Marburgensis, YE 996
Magister Juridicum, Universitas Ghoerwaldensis, YE 1000
Doctor Juricum, Universitas Ghoerwaldensis, YE 1003
Doctor Philosophicum, Universitas Staffordiensis, YE 1005

Employed by Koern, de Groot, Sandeman & Jaeger of Rederhafen, YE 1008 - 1015
Solicitor for House Wartenstam, YE 1011 - 1015
Appointed to the Royal Office of the Witchfinder General, YE 1015
Appointed to the Office of the Ombudsman, YE 1019
Appointed Aktor of the Office of Internal Affairs, YE 1021
Appointed Grand Onkel of the Syndicate, YE 1022
Elected Reichsombudsmann of Wezell, YE 1037

Three Pillars of Reason, Ghoerwald, YE 992
The Nature of Worship, Marburg, YE 995
Idols and Idolatry of the Second Age, Marburg, YE 996
Enlightened Principles of Rational Thought, Ghoerwald, YE 999
Occult Theories in the Temple of Man Supreme, Ghoerwald, YE 1003
Thoughts and Reflections on the Forgotten Arts, Ghoerwald, YE 1005
Mælchior Speaks to the Wanderer, Rederhafen, YE 1009
Principles of Enlightened Law, Rederhafen, YE 1014
The Follies of King Rederius, Rederhafen, YE 1020
Seven Axioms of Arcane Societies, Rederhafen, YE 1021
Lex Arcanum, Rederhafen, YE 1022

[Picture source: Nicole Kipar]

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