
Saturday, 29 May 2010

The Enoch List

The following is a list of arcane orders and societies who have signed the Precepts Arcane, and thus stand united against the Enemy.

The list is compiled by Aktor Smit.


High Craftsmasons (order)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Dekanos Adalwin Carlomanus; 6 named Awakened; unknown number of followers.

Member of the Enlightened Alliance.

Royal Guild of Argonauts (order)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Captain C. Enesar Ardyne-Mellius, 3 followers.

Member of the Enlightened Alliance.

Order of the Black Friars (order)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Frater Æðelred of Gwyndelbane; 1 named Awakened.

Member of the Enlightened Alliance.

Ordo Hermetica (order/mythocracy)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Master Octavian Terrafundus Augustus Arbalestus bani Flambeu bani Hermes; 36 named Awakened; 207 followers.

Member of the Enlightened Alliance.

Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Knight Commander Estevan de Crezin; 5 followers

Member of the Enlightened Alliance.

Council of Awakened Viziers (order/faith)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Emir Hakim al'Faroul bani Aziz; 27 named Awakened; 2,300 followers.

Formal alliance between the Wezellian Syndicate and the Caliphate of Aziz. Affiliated with the Host of Man.

Wolflords of Draccia (order/mythocracy)
Legal Status: Affiliate
Representation: Lord Vargas Audovacar Raganchard of the Grey Knights; 167 Lychantropes; 900 followers.

Member of the Enlightened Alliance.

Host of Man (army)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Lord Marshal Friedric Roeder; 3 named Awakened; 9,700 followers.

Member of the Enlightened Alliance.
Oaths sworn to the Lord Marshal by numerous cabals and orders [see own file].

Knights of Angermar (order/faith)
Legal status: Affiliate
Representation: Ridder Gustavus Gyldenlance; 1 named Awakened; 5 followers

Member of the Enlightened Alliance.

Arkonshōv (faith)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Gode Godwin Suthavarde Osbeornì; 11 named Awakened, large and growing following.

Formally reckognized faith.

Pillar of Truth (order)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Lady Adelaide Thorne; 3 named Awakened; 12 followers.

Formal negotiations between the Wezellian Syndicate and the Corillian Presbyterium.

Arrow of Light (cabal/order)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Adalweda of the Seventh Pillar; 2 named Awakened.

Formerly of the Temple of Man Supreme.

Speakers of Mÿn (cabal)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: 5 named Awakened.

Keepers of the Silver Tablets (cabal)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Manfex Berathraban Manticore Fulco artz Aretmar; 5 named Awakened; a dozen followers.

Holds considerable wealth.

Solemn Order of the White Chrystal (cabal)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Manfex Childebrand Waltgaud artz Gryffon; 3 named Enlightened, a dozen followers.

These claims have been lain towards SOWC: demon-worshipping; espionage; plotting regicide (Emperor Constantinius Ada of the Enlightened Skythian Empire).

Cult of Dìs Invictus (cabal/faith)
Legal Status: Associate in pending
No named representation, growing following.

Suspected close affiliation with the Host of Man.

House of Voordalak (cabal/mythocracy)
Legal Status: Associate in pending
Representation: Rago Vardayev; a dozen followers.

Golden Ladder (order)
Legal Status: Associate in pending
Representation: Atmân Svarog of the Seventh Gate; 1 named Awakened; 7 followers

Esoteric Kengelian order. Rumored to be in congress w/demons.

Guardians of the Tablets of Merovinus (cabal)
Legal Status: Associata in pending

Representation: Finnguala Enenina Gruinn; 1 named Awakened; three followers.


Storyteller's note: I will try to keep  this list up to date.

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