
Saturday, 25 September 2010

The War Box

Last time we played the lads decided they wanted to try out the War Box. The War Box is a grey cardboard box, on which I've written... yes, War Box, in big black letters. At one point I also drew a poor Elder Sign on it. It contains all that's necessary to run a set-piece battle.

I will not go into the details right now, as it's quite late, and I'm working tomorrow. But since next game is on Monday, and the boys have asked for a battle, I need to get this up there. I will try to sneak in two more posts (a Chapter and a background-post) before we play, if time allows.

I apologize in advance for the poor quality of this document, but it is an old system I haven't done any work on in years. Its roots is a system developed by a couple of friends of mine for the AD&D setting Birthright, and I later did some work on it for a game-system I made back in the dawn of the century. The English version (the newest) was started before the BoW was created, and I've done some quick adjustments just now.

Should there be an interest, either from my players or from the blogosphere, I will polish it further (Scribd promises to update the embed as I update it, I believe), and I might post the unit cards as well. Any questions and/or comments are as always welcome.

[Picture source: TAW's blog]


  1. on the rounds being a minute- is that intended as a timing mechanism (ie, shoot or shut up) or is it meant to indicate how long things take place on the field? (ie Hero System's 12 segments)

  2. I'm not sure I understand your question here, Loquacious. Still, I'll try to answer as best I can.

    The minute is the time on the field, or in-game time. It is the time it takes for a unit to move and attack. The minute-round is the part I'm most unsure about, but it has sort of followed the system since the earlier versions.

    Did that answer your question in any way?

  3. Yes, it sure does. I just wondered if it was a mechanic meant to make people decide already, or one intended to describe how long their actions equal in "real" time.


  4. My usual approach to that particular problem is to first give the player(s) a warning. If no action is taken before I've grown tired of counting to myself, the round is lost. This goes for all my games, not only this.

    The reasoning here is that if the player just can't decide on what to do, neither can the character.

  5. ...but, a real-time deadline on a strategy game would give it an aspect of RTS. Not sure if that's a good thing, though. But it has certainly made my synapses fire.
