
Monday, 14 February 2011

The Airship Pirates are coming!

I'm a little late with these news, but that's how it goes. I take a weekend off, and people insist on moving the world ahead. This post is to let you fine folk know that Messrs Cakebread & Walton, Purveyors of Fine Imaginings, have launched the website for their upcoming line, Airship Pirates. The game is based on the fictional world of the steampunk band, Abney Park. So far, the publication promises artwork by Aaron Weiss, Myke Amend, and Mandem, and the system that will be used is Cubicle 7 Entertainment's Heresy Engine. This is a system I know little about, but who knows, I might have more for you in a later post.

What follows is a teaser from the website:
It's 2150. The Earth's recovering from the Great Apocalypse of 1906.
From the steampunk sky-cities of Isla Aether and High Tortuga come the airship pirates.You hoist the Jolly Roger, spin your propellers and take to the skies. Yours is a life of adventure, plunder and infamy.
The American wilderness lies below. Beast-haunted wastelands are criss-crossed by the tracks of the freedom-loving Neobedouins. Armoured railroads connect the Emperor's widely scattered domains.

I've reported on this case before, and I'll try to stay updated on this as more information becomes available.

[Picture source: Airship Pirates]


  1. Thanks for linking to this. It looks like bags of fun and yet more inspiration. You can never have too much I suppose.

  2. Don't mention it. I've been following the progress of this game since I first heard about it, and I most likely will until it gets released. Who knows, it may even end up on my shelves as well.

    I like Cakebread & Walton, and apart from having the coolest name in the industry, their ideas appeal to me.

    As for inspiration, I think you are absolutely right :)
