
Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Blogger's Block

Yup. It's official, I've got it. I have a handful of drafts, but I just can't get them finished. So for now, enjoy this picture of the statue of Arkon commissioned by King Rowar II for the Sovereign Square in Crondor.

See you again when I get my head out of my ass.

[Picture source: Ray Lederer]


  1. It happens. I wouldn't stress about it overmuch. I find writing a post I think is subpar wrosk better than not writing anything. Somtimes the psot I thought was gonna be lackluster turns out better than i thought. Other times, well, hoepfully somebody got something out of it. :)

  2. When in doubt, just show us a picture of your feet. That's what I do.

  3. Stop slacking, slacker.....says the man who took two months off. ;)

  4. Hey, I'm a slacker too. But it's a blog, not a job. I don't think I'd want the job of blogger. It'd suck the fun right out of it.

  5. You're entitled! Your creativity needs a break- you've been pumping out the good stuff at a crackerjack rate... enjoy a little breath.

  6. Thanks for the encouragements, people.

    I think part of the issue is that so far the blog has been very reactive of play, and at the moment the active plots are dealing with already published material. If/when the story moves beyond that, I hope my muse will reappear.

    And I'll try to accommodate your request, Whisk, although that will probably go up on the other place.

  7. Been six days, just popped in to see how your Bloggers Block is going. And to say hello.


  8. Why, thank you ma'am, my block is going just fine.

  9. I had that nasty block too. It's going around. Now I'm right back to my usual below par routine.

    I don't know if it will help, but it made me feel better: the mystery blog posted yesterday.

  10. That it has. It really is a cute little thing.

    As per the block, it's still going strong... But I do have a few chapters to write up. I really should get on that.

  11. I've found that posting utter garbage helps with my blocks. It's kind of like an enema. Except in public. With people staring.

    - Ark

  12. The great thing about finally pulling one's head out of one's ass is that the world is suddenly brighter and less stinky.

  13. What the hell, man. If I broke my blogger break, you have to as well. ;)

  14. Popped in to see if you were still blocked.
