
Sunday, 4 September 2011

Wow! Is that the time already?

August has come and gone, and I've been neglecting my blog something horribly. I've moved, and with that has come a whole new life I've had to get used to. In that whole mess, the days have passed frighteningly fast. And its not like I've been slacking. I hope to have a few posts up over the next week -- it's not like I haven't been playing. In fact, I'm hosting a game tonight. On Argos, no less.

I hope you all are doing well, and I will try to get back to reading your ramblings too. I promise.

One more thing for now. The Bergen-group is still playing, and you can read about their adventures on Bjoernar's new blog.

[Picture source:]


  1. Welcome to North America! Hope to see your work soon.

  2. Good to hear from you :) I'm looking forward to the posts!

  3. Welcome back. and thanks for referring us to a interesting new blog while you're at it.
