
Wednesday, 15 February 2012

How archery should be done

So, say a combat round lasts 10 seconds. I counted seven arrows, and judging by the footage at the end, her grouping is flawless.


  1. But as Pete pointed out to me, it doesn't look like they hit with enough force to get through armour, so best for mowing down peasants! :-)

  2. I had similar thoughts, but keep in mind that with bodkin heads instead of blunts, all the energy will be delivered through a very fine point. And I seem to remember reading somewhere that it takes less than a pound of pressure to pierce the skin with a sharpened pencil.

    Also, this is a short bow, and they were never really that effective against heavy armour - the the longbow however... Agincourt, anyone?

  3. There was recent a scientific study on arrow penetration. It looked at modern ideas of what would constitute a likely lethal level of blunt forcr trauma as well as strict armor penetration. It was interesting. I'll see if I can dig it up.

  4. She wouldn't be that fast if she was aiming at a moving target .... in torchlight ...

    1. Ah, but then again, that would hold true for anyone, no? I'd still rather hire an archer that could do this under practice conditions than someone who couldn't.

  5. I have always felt that archery have been underestimated in RPGS - or more correctly felt that damage value of bows and such always have been a bit too low.

    I have seen pictures where they have dressed a dead pig in chainmail, and used it for target practise. The arrows penetrates both the chain mail and pig with ease.

  6. She is only drawing the bow back part way - to the cheek it seems most of the time. I have heard that is how the Greeks used to shoot bows as well, giving a shorter range. As opposed to drawing right back to the ear.

  7. That archer lass is at least half elven.

  8. Very impressive shooting. A longbow however has a longer and heavier pull; it would not be possible to shoot that fast with one. With a light short bow, the rate of fire can be very high. I recall one of the plains tribes of native Americans expected a warrior to fire so fast that they'd have five or six arrows in the air at once (as a feat of arms rather than a tactic, though).

    Regarding tests of bows and armor -- longbows appear to have been unable to pierce plate armor but able to pierce mail at close range. One problem with the tests is that we do not make armor like they did back then, rivetig every link of mail etc. Most modern mail is very poor.
