
Sunday, 26 February 2012

New Class: Spell Caster

In D&D 3.X: Ajax Configuration, the Spell Caster class replaces the Sorcerer and Wizard classes from D&D 3.5, and builds on the 3.X: Ajax magic rules. Rules for Bardic magic will follow.


Wizards, witches, and sorcerers all harness the powers of magic, shaping it through rituals and force of mind. Mastering the arcane arts requires years of devotion and study, but the rewards are unparalleled. Those few who are able to master the nine circles are bound to enter the legends, be it as terrible mage kings, as wise wizards, or as something altogether different.

Alignment: Due to the discipline required to harness the powers of magic, most Spell Casters tend towards the Lawful or Neutral alignments, but there is power in Chaos, and some powerful sorcerers are able to balance the raw power of magic and the entropic forces of the Chaotic alignment.

Background: The laws that bind magic also bind those who practice the art of spell casting together. They may be friends, colleagues, rivals or bitter enemies, but they still acknowledge each other as being above the petty squabbles of kings and commoners. They often study in colleges or under a master, and this also creates bonds between them. While a Spell Caster who've learned his art in a prestigious college may despise a bearded and unkempt back-country conjurer, she will nevertheless respect his command of magic – she may even trade secrets with him.

Races: For various reasons, humans, elves, and half elves are the races most suited for the study of magic. Gnomes have a natural knack for the school of Illusion, and they get a +3 bonus to all Spellcraft (Illusion) skill checks. Dwarves and halflings rarely become Spell Casters, and even more rarely the savage humanoids.

Other Classes: Spell Casters actually prefer to work with other classes. Their methodical minds will readily admit the benefits of a shield wall, archers, mounted knights, healers, spies and thieves, and even the merits of travelling with a good bard. After all, they themselves have dedicated their lives to higher pursuits.

Table 1.2: Spell Caster 
Fort save
Ref save
Will save
Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll



Bonus feat




Bonus feat




Bonus feat




Bonus feat

Abilities: Intelligence is the most important attribute of a Spell Caster, as the skills they rely on gain their bonuses from it. Constitution is also vital, since they use their Vitality Points to fuel their magic.

Alignment: Any

Vitality: Spell Casters gain 1d4 Vitality Points + Con modifier per level.

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (all skills, taken individually).

Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier.

To style himself a Master, a Spell Caster must have 10 ranks in one school, and 5 ranks in two other. 

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Club, dagger, quarterstaff, and light and heavy crossbows. No armours or shields.

Spells: The greatest asset of a Spell Caster is her magic. For rules on casting spells, see below.

Familiar: See D&D 3.5 PHB for rules on familiars.

Scribe Scroll: At 1st level the Spell Caster gains Scribe Scrolls as a bonus feat, see PHB for details.

Bonus Feat: At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, a Spell Caster gains a bonus feat. She can choose an item creation feat, Skill Emphasis, Spell Mastery, Quickness*.

*Feat found in Star Wars Revised Core Rulebook (feat gives 3 extra Vitality Points).

Spellbooks: A Spell Caster relies on her spellbooks to prepare and cast her spells. She has two basic options: She can either memorise her spells in advance, or cast a spell directly from the text. The first option requires at least 10 minutes per level of spell, and the spell can thereafter be cast from memory. The second option takes 5 minutes per level of spell + Casting Time of spell, but gives a + 2 circumstance bonus to the casting roll.

[Picture source: Kim Graham]


  1. thinking about this. maybe sending you emails regarding such. you have hit on an IDEA.

  2. To be honest, I just applied the Force-system from SWd20 to a magic system I've always found static and lifeless, regardless of the iteration. But I'm glad you like it, and I'd love to hear any thoughts you have on the subject.
