
Monday, 28 October 2013

NPC: Weekly Roundup No. 3

Asop van Galgen, prosecutor at the Reichshandelsbureau, is very much the image of the new generation of Wezellian technocrats, carrying his authority with pride and enjoying the trappings of his status.

He achieved his Awakening while enrolled in the chantry-school in the Rederhafen's Academic Quarter and entered public service immediately following his dissertation.

As a student of the Three Pillars of Power, Fate, Prime, and Mind, and with a magister's degree in Juris Arcanum his career naturally lies within the Aktorate. His first office lies within the Reichshandelsbureau, the body charged with regulating international trade.

Adeptus Abakuk DeVermis bani Arachnidus is the Seneschal of the Stores in Göteshaven. The humourless wizard was, as with most of Master Vermis' apprentices, chosen not for his raw magical potential, but for his skills in other areas.

Adeptus Abakuk's title of Seneschal of the Stores (his master's title before he became Praeco of Göteshaven) places him above the Harbour Master and the Assessor, and put the merchant houses of the Order State's only port under his oversight.

Dariusz Rewian is the heir to Ravienburg and lord in all but name. When his father took ill last winter the dutiful son took charge of all the affairs of his house. Before he was called home to his father's sick bed, he was a student in Zpadnogorod.

There are rumours about him Awakening while away but no one has seen anything to substantiate this.

The first change he made was to increase taxes across the board, but he does not seem to spend the money on an extravagant lifestyle. In fact, he appears to live very frugally. There have been no grand building projects, no increase of the court, and to the best of anyone's knowledge, no gambling either.

The one thing that has changed are the strange merchants coming in from the east. These tall, pale eyed warrior-like people come in machine-powered skyships, trading in furs and great ivory tusks. Despite their sinister appearance, they have brought wealth to Ravienburg.

Wilrick Willowspear-Smyte, the 93rd Viscount of Bannoch Bane, was born in the Aelvinwoode sometime in YE 1030. For most of his life he lived in the woods with the other woodkin. A few years ago him and his clan moved to his ancestral lands in Bannoch Bane. Here they attracted the attention of the Argonauts and a trading agreement was brokered between the two parties.

Bannoch Bane has since become the main supplier of elfash to the Argonauts and one of the few safe landings within the woods.


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