The list is compiled by Aktor Smit.
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Dekanos Adalwin Carlomanus; 6 named Awakened; unknown number of followers.
Member of the Enlightened Alliance.
Royal Guild of Argonauts (order)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Captain C. Enesar Ardyne-Mellius, 3 followers.
Member of the Enlightened Alliance.
Order of the Black Friars (order)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Frater Æðelred of Gwyndelbane; 1 named Awakened.
Member of the Enlightened Alliance.
Ordo Hermetica (order/mythocracy)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Master Octavian Terrafundus Augustus Arbalestus bani Flambeu bani Hermes; 36 named Awakened; 207 followers.
Member of the Enlightened Alliance.
Knights of St. Invictus (order)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Knight Commander Estevan de Crezin; 5 followers
Member of the Enlightened Alliance.
Council of Awakened Viziers (order/faith)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Emir Hakim al'Faroul bani Aziz; 27 named Awakened; 2,300 followers.
Formal alliance between the Wezellian Syndicate and the Caliphate of Aziz. Affiliated with the Host of Man.
Wolflords of Draccia (order/mythocracy)
Legal Status: Affiliate
Representation: Lord Vargas Audovacar Raganchard of the Grey Knights; 167 Lychantropes; 900 followers.
Member of the Enlightened Alliance.
Host of Man (army)
Legal Status: Ally
Representation: Lord Marshal Friedric Roeder; 3 named Awakened; 9,700 followers.
Member of the Enlightened Alliance.
Oaths sworn to the Lord Marshal by numerous cabals and orders [see own file].Knights of Angermar (order/faith)
Legal status: Affiliate
Representation: Ridder Gustavus Gyldenlance; 1 named Awakened; 5 followers
Member of the Enlightened Alliance.
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Gode Godwin Suthavarde Osbeornì; 11 named Awakened, large and growing following.
Formally reckognized faith.
Pillar of Truth (order)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Lady Adelaide Thorne; 3 named Awakened; 12 followers.
Formal negotiations between the Wezellian Syndicate and the Corillian Presbyterium.
Arrow of Light (cabal/order)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Adalweda of the Seventh Pillar; 2 named Awakened.
Formerly of the Temple of Man Supreme.
Speakers of Mÿn (cabal)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: 5 named Awakened.
Keepers of the Silver Tablets (cabal)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Manfex Berathraban Manticore Fulco artz Aretmar; 5 named Awakened; a dozen followers.
Holds considerable wealth.
Solemn Order of the White Chrystal (cabal)
Legal Status: Associate
Representation: Manfex Childebrand Waltgaud artz Gryffon; 3 named Enlightened, a dozen followers.
These claims have been lain towards SOWC: demon-worshipping; espionage; plotting regicide (Emperor Constantinius Ada of the Enlightened Skythian Empire).
Cult of Dìs Invictus (cabal/faith)
Legal Status: Associate in pending
No named representation, growing following.
Suspected close affiliation with the Host of Man.
House of Voordalak (cabal/mythocracy)
Legal Status: Associate in pending
Representation: Rago Vardayev; a dozen followers.
Golden Ladder (order)
Legal Status: Associate in pending
Representation: Atmân Svarog of the Seventh Gate; 1 named Awakened; 7 followers
Esoteric Kengelian order. Rumored to be in congress w/demons.
Guardians of the Tablets of Merovinus (cabal)
Legal Status: Associata in pending
Representation: Finnguala Enenina Gruinn; 1 named Awakened; three followers.
Storyteller's note: I will try to keep this list up to date.
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